Have any little questions? Or maybe just want to shoot me a quick little message? Leave a nice comment on my page?

Well, here's the place for all that and more! Messages sent through this form will be displayed right here on this page! Feel free to sign your name or don't.

For more important/ private inquires (esp com related) please email me or contact me via discord @ garbagedeity

Note: As far as I'm aware, messages sent from a Firefox browser do not get delivered. I'm not sure why. :(

i like possums

so do i :)


omg hi !!! does a funky little dance all over ur page

Just stopping by!

hello! hope you enjoy your time on my site! :D


Exploding people with my mind

so tru bestie


test testing... hello future grace! just checking if this works all right :)

it sure does!
